
Special Needs

Swimming Special Babies & Toddlers

Basic Courses

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 November 2016

Acquarella Center, Via Ferrere 9 10139 Turin, Italy

Lecturers: Dr. Cecilia MarchisioDr. Manuela MontaltoDr. Paolo Manzoni, prof. Hugo Lavalle

The purpose of the course is to provide resources to the teachers for the educational accompaniment of children with special needs and their families to the discovery of the aquatic world. It is then an introduction to a tutoring path that permits the acquisition of all aspects of the child-disability-water dimension, this in order to accompany and help families in the complex role of growing special children, with an inclusive vision of the educational process.


Medical aspects (Paolo Manzoni)
– Prematurity as a triggering factor of deficit
– Perinatal accident
– Congenital desease;
– Malformations
– D
eseases advising against aquatic activites

Pedagogical aspects (Cecilia Marchisio)
Elements of special pedagogy and pedagogy of the inclusion;
Disabled persons rights
Laws that help families
– The role of associationism as support for families

Psychological aspects of child with special needs and his family (Manuela Montalto)
– Mental disability and physical disability, adaptation of couple parent/ child in a group context.
– Inclusion in a group of able-bodied children, reaction of the group to the couple, fragilities emerging on both sides, transformative possibility at a affective and emotional level for the parent, the child and their reaction sustained by the participation in a contest that works on integration

Communication aspects (Montalto-Lavalle)
– Sincere communication with the child and the family
Communicative adaptation to the deficit

Aspects of didactic (Montalto, Readi, Valente, Lavalle)
– Knowledge of the child and his family
– Introduction and practicality, Family training
Dynamic of the lessons in integrated groups. Session preparation
– Basic setting of meetings
– Material
Cerebral paralisys; visual and auditory deficit; Down syndrome; autism; split spine; achondroplasia; hydrocephalus; heart diseases.

The program includes the observation of lessons with different aged children, complied with an inclusive criteria

Date: Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 November 2016.

Time: Saturday 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00. Sunday 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00

Location: Acquarella Center, Via Ferrere 9 – 10139 Turin

Course Fee: € 200 (does not include accomodation)

Payment details:
BANCA SELLA – Ag. Corso Francia, Torino
IBAN: IT 90 C 03268 01199 053101952560

Registration deadline: Wednesday 3rd Nov. 2016

Translation will be in English by whispering mode (chuchotage)

Who is it for: To all those who by profession, passion, dedication, love working with children and families in water (educators, teachers of physical education, physical therapists, technicians of neuro and psychomotor, obstetrics, swimming instructors).

Attention: this is not a course to become therapist

For further information please contact Serenella Pasqualin at acquarella@libero.it
